Published articles on economic sociology from CSES board members, research fellows, and faculty affiliates.
If you have an article you would like to include, please submit it by e-mail to Victor Nee (
Published Articles & Chapters
“The Assembly of an American Sociologist”
Victor Nee Annual Review of Sociology, 2025 -
“A Theory of Emergence: Knowledge, Rewiring and Innovation”
Victor Nee, Sirui Wang, and Michael Macy Social Science Research, 2023 -
“Specialization in the Marketplace for Ideas”
Sirui Wang, Michael Macy, Victor Nee PLOS ONE, 2023 -
“Beyond Playing 20 Questions with Nature: Integrative Experiment Design in the Social and Behavioral Sciences”
Abdullah Almaatouq, Thomas L. Griffths, Jordan W. Suchow, Mark E. Whiting, James Evans, and Duncan J. Watts Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Forthcoming -
“Everyday discrimination in public spaces: a field experiment in the Milan Metro”
Nan Zhang, Johanna Gereke, Delia Baldassarri European Sociological Review, 2022 -
“Cooperation with Strangers: Spillover of Community Norms”
Mario Molina, Victor Nee, and Håkan Holm Organization Science, 2022 -
“Racial Segregation under Slavery”
Martin Ruef Social Forces, 2021 -
“Social Influence Undermines the Wisdom of the Crowd in Sequential Decision Making”
Vincenz Frey, Arnout van de Rijt Management Science, July 2021 -
“Patients as Consumers in the Market for Medicine: The Halo Effect of Hospitality”
Cristobal Young and Xinxiang Chen Social Forces, 2020 -
“Immigration, opportunity, and assimilation in a technology economy”
Victor Nee and Lucas G. Drouhot Theory and Society, September 28, 2020 -
“What Sustains a Belief in Success Among the Unsuccessful?”
Howard E. Aldrich Academy of Management Discoveries, 2020 -
“Emergence of diverse and specialized knowledge in a metropolitan tech cluster”
Daniel DellaPosta and Victor Nee Social Science Research, October 18, 2019 -
“Self-Correcting Dynamics in Social Influence Processes”
Arnout van de Rijt American Journal of Sociology, March 2019 -
“Strategic decisions: behavioral differences between CEOs and others”
Håkan J. Holm, Victor Nee, and Sonja Opper Experimental Economics, February 25, 2019 -
“Assimilation and the Second Generation in Europe and America: Blending and Segregating Social Dynamics Between Immigrants and Natives ”
Lucas G. Drouhot and Victor Nee Annual Review of Sociology, February 19, 2019 -
“Faulkner's Assembly of Memories into History: Narrative Networks in Multiple Times”
John F. Padgett American Journal of Sociology, 2018 -
“Unicorns, Gazelles, and Other Distractions on the Way to Understanding Real Entrepreneurship in the United States”
Howard E. Aldrich and Martin Ruef Academy of Management Perspectives, 2018 -
“Learning to Trust: from Relational Exchange to Generalized Trust”
Victor Nee, Håkan J. Holm, and Sonja Opper Organization Science, June 25, 2018 -
“The Entrepreneur’s Network and Firm Performance”
Victor Nee, Lisha Liu, and Daniel DellaPosta Sociological Science, October 18, 2017 -
“Endogenous dynamics of institutional change”
Daniel DellaPosta, Victor Nee, and Sonja Opper Rationality and Society, January 2016 -
“Why Asian Americans are Becoming Mainstream”
Victor Nee and Hilary Holbrow Dædalus, the Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 2013 -
“Max Weber on Property: An Effort in Interpretive Understanding”
Laura R. Ford Socio-Legal Review, 2010 -
“A Theory of Innovation: Market Transition, Property Rights and Innovation in China”
Victor Nee, Jeong-Han Kang, and Sonja Opper Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, September 2010 -
“On Politicized Capitalism”
Victor Nee and Sonja Opper On Capitalism, January 2007 -
“Developmental State and Corporate Governance in China”
Victor Nee, Sonja Opper, and Sonia Wong Management and Organization Review, January 2007 -
“The New Institutionalisms in Economics and Sociology”
Victor Nee The Handbook of Economic Sociology: Second Edition, 2005 -
“Market Transition and the Firm: Institutional Change and Income Inequality in Urban China”
Victor Nee and Yang Cao Management and Organization Review, May 2004 -
“Tools of the trade: the socio-technology of arbitrage in a Wall Street trading room”
Daniel Beunza and David Stark Industrial and Corporate Change, 2004 -
“Embeddedness and Beyond: Institutions, Exchange, and Social Structure”
Victor Nee and Paul Ingram The New Institutionalism in Sociology, 1998