

The Myth of a Majority-Minority America

Richard Alba, Morris Levy, and Dowell Myers

“Speculating about whether America will have a white majority by the mid-21st century makes little sense, because the social meanings of white and nonwhite are rapidly shifting,” CSES Fellow Richard Alba and co-authors Morris Levy and Dowell Myers write in a recent article for The Atlantic.  The authors argue that the majority-minority narrative contributes to rising polarization in the United States, strengthening white anxiety and racist beliefs in “replacement” theory.  In reality, classifying individuals of mixed backgrounds as exclusively nonwhite creates a misleading picture of an increasingly blended America.

Read more in their original article in The Atlantic.

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“Actors do not behave or decide as atoms outside a social context ... Their attempts at purposive action are instead embedded in concrete, ongoing systems of social relations.”— Mark Granovetter