Lecture Series

Lecture Series

Siegwart Lindenberg, University of Groningen

The Power of Social Cues
Lindenberg lecture poster

Please join us for our next CSES Lecture Series with guest lecturer Siegwart Lindenberg. Lindenberg (PhD Harvard 1971) is professor of Cognitive Sociology at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He is one of the founders of the Inter-University Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) and member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).

His main interests lie in the areas of microfoundations for theories on collective phenomena, especially theory of model building, theory of social rationality, goal-framing theory, theory of human goals and wellbeing (SPF theory), and theory of norms; self-regulation and pro- and antisocial behavior; and groups and relationships (including various forms of solidarity and contracting), especially theory of interdependencies (functional, cognitive, and structural) and theory of sharing and joint production and theory of solidarity.

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“[T]he challenge is to specify and explicate the social mechanisms determining the relationship between the informal social organization of close-knit groups and the formal rules of institutional structures.”— Victor Nee